Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Latvia English Camp Day 2

working with 3/4th grade students
erecting temts on Sunday
Explaining charades to 4/5/6th students
4/5/6th grade students

Meet the LEC Staff - Caroline Fletcher
Caroline Fletcher has joined the Latvia English Camp team for the first time.  Caroline is a member of Concordia Church in Mucungie, PA and has known Wally Vinovskis and his family for many years.  Caroline is a multitalented person.  She's an accomplished pianist, violinist, and vocalist.  Caroline is teaching the drama classes with each group using Story Cubes and Charades, as well as well as using puppets.  Her addition to the team has expended the experiences we are able to offer to the children attending the LEC
Caroline will be attending the University of Pittsburg in the fall pursuing training as a certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) with the ultimate goal of receiving her degree as a Physicians Assistant - PA.

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